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This basic class is intended for Massage and Bodywork therapists interested in helping clients with breast health and discomfort, however it is helpful for anyone wishing to learn more about their breasts.

It is a prerequisite to our Advanced Breast Massage Class which addresses issues that may arise following breast cancer treatment and surgeries.

Hi, I’m Sally Spurgeon

I am originally from Cheltenham in England but moved to the US in 1982 - therefore this class is written in American, not English, as noted by students in my in-person classes ;-)

I've been a Massage Therapist for almost 40 years. During my massage career I studied at two different schools and took many continuing education classes, but a part of our anatomy that desperately needs to be massaged was never included in any of the classes I attended - in fact we were always taught to avoid touching breasts!

Back then I never thought much about it, I really didn't touch my own breasts let alone anyone else's, but that all changed when I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

This class is a result of me wishing to help women really understand their breasts in order to avoid the experience I had, and for Massage Therapists to learn the vitally important role they can play in promoting and maintaining healthy breast tissue for their clients and for themselves.