TMC Level 3 Diploma in Applied Anatomy for Massage Therapy
All therapists who have been with us from 12 months + As soon as a therapist hits their 12 months they will be auto enrolled on the diploma
Your Instructor
Regular massage – it’s proven to help with stress, aid relaxation, raise alertness and assist in recovery from treatment and surgery. But for most, massage is still occasional, often of mediocre quality and frequently expensive.
We’re changing this.
Powerful beliefs drive our brand: to make it easier for people to benefit from massage; to make it routine – from once in-a-blue moon to once a month; and to change people’s understanding of the positive effects regular massage can have
on different aspects of their life.
Our vision is simple: to bring high-quality massage to the mainstream. We want people to see massage as good value for money, so it can become a vital and routine part of a better and balanced quality of life.
It’s why we’ve re-thought the way people should consume massage. Why we offer a variety of optional treatment upgrades. Why we provide massage in fantastic facilities and highly convenient locations that fit in with our customers’
needs. Why we’ve developed a Certified Training Programme for our staff. And why we’ve priced massage reasonably, so that it can become a routine part of our customers’ lives.
Course Curriculum
StartUnit 1 - Bony Landmarks of pelvis, spine, and shoulder (0:14)
StartUnit 2 - Key muscles of Lower back, Glutes, and Abdominals (0:15)
StartUnit 3 - Key muscles of Upper back and shoulders (0:17)
StartUnit 4 - Key muscles of Legs and Thigh (0:13)
StartUnit 5 - Key muscles of Arms and Neck (0:12)
StartUnit 6 - Key muscles of Scalp (0:11)
StartUnit 7 - Key Anatomy of the Feet (0:10)
StartFinal Assessment Questions